Here I am, back in the "cloffice" (closet transformed to office). The great thing about January at Calvin is Interim... life slows to a nice pace and people start talking instead of complaining about being busy. Coming back to work/school after a holiday is so much easier. The January Series of amazing lectures has already proven a treasure once again. I've seen Lauren Winner, N.T. Wright, Laura Smit, and today I'll see filmmaker Gerard T. Straub. Great stuff all around. Poor Daniel is introducing Straub and I don't think I've ever seen him so nervous. For a teacher, he really hates being in front of people.
I'm listening to the
Iron and Wine - Calexico EP right now and everytime I listen to it, I miss Eddie. About a year ago, he, Kirsten and I went to see them in Chicago for an amazing concert. So, it's a melancholy morning for me, but I guess it's good to have one of those every now and again. I talked with Ken (one of my bosses) about bringing Iron and Wine to Calvin (for a second time) next Fall, and it looks like almost a sure thing! So, Big Ed, KClimer, and I will have to go again.
Speaking of concerts, I'm counting the days until our Festival of Faith and Music! Sufjan Stevens, Anathallo, Emmilou Harris, and Neko Case are all performing, but as if that wasn't enough, David Dark (one of my favorite authors) will be there. I'm currently reading his book
Everyday Apocalypse and it's amazing. Between hearing N.T. Wright and other speakers and reading this book, I wish I could carry these articulate and wise people around in my purse and refer to them hourly.
Alright, well that's about all the update I have time for right now. I have only a few events this month - a fashion show this Saturday and a coffee house music thing next weekend. So, I'm hoping I'll be able to post more in the days to come.