mercury crept back up over 50 degrees in Michigan
my dad passed his BIG final test at the plant
Eddie is moving to the GREEN ZONE!!! As of Friday, he's starting the process to be back in GR, God willing, by April 29.
my sweaters, wool socks, winter coats have migrated to the attic only to be replaced by sandals, shorts, and skirts.
And it's only Wednesday. Yes, we survived a very difficult winter that was cold and dreary in many ways. It's amazing what a little sunshine and vitamin D can do for a lady!
So, here I am at work completely distracted with all these good things happening. This weekend is our Festival of Faith and Music. With Anathallo and Sufjan on Friday, then Neko Case and Emmy Lou on Saturday, it's going to be an amazing weekend.. not to mention the amazing workshops we're hosting. Josh Jackson, from Paste Magazine, Steve Stockman, David Dark, Lauren Winner... there's a huge list so check out the website and buy a ticket to Saturday's concert if you can. I'm in charge of that one, 2 divas sharing a stage. Yeah, I'm nervous. But really excited to meet them both!
This year the concert committee did something really cool called Bandspotting. They received 52 submissions and the winner, Son Lux, will perform on Friday (after Sufjan). You can listen to all the bands on the website as well.

So all is getting better here. I don't have any pictures of our spring break trip to DC on this computer, so I will post some later. We had a great time with extended family and ate way too much sea food (as if there's such a thing!).
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