December 2008 was particularly snowy for Michigan, and I loved every last flake of it. But now I'm working hard to reconcile myself to, dare I say it?, three more months of winter. sigh. So, I made a list of what I love about winter to cheer myself up and to refer to when I get tired of it all. It's just a season; it won't last forever.
Then I thought, I should share this list. Maybe it will remind someone else that there are good things in front of us all the time.
our little neighborhood park at night when it's quiet and snowy
tea - every kind HOT
wearing my toggle coat, russian boots, and wool hat
cooking new recipes
red wine
using my fireplace to it's full potential
candles scented like pine
snow on pine trees
new lotion
sweat pants and turtlenecks
ever-changing daylight
movies at home and at the cheap theater
Schuler Books: tea, a cookie, and a pile of magazines
breakfast at Gaia and Realfood cafe
my hot pink alpaca throw
sledding and skiing, of course!
reading novels in bed
TV seasons
floaty snow, sparkly snow, sugary snow, sticky snow
the quiet
store-bought flowers
laundry that's soft and steamy from the dryer
occasional attempts at wearing makeup
my red-cardinal cardigan
spicy hot cocoa
warm lemon curd on bran muffins (why don't I make those ALL year round?)
baked oatmeal with summer's blueberries from my freezer on a cold morning
long, hot showers
snow outlining all the branches of the trees
birds coming to our feeder every morning
Conrad eating the snow
the smell of clear, frosty air
what would you add?? what do you love about winter?