Monday, August 15, 2011

new and Southern

I've not used this space much at all in the past year or so, and since everything else in my life is changing, why not change-up this space too? The web address is now
I've not gotten true internet up and running at our house yet so this will be a slow start, but here's a little list of all that's new with us... it makes me tired just thinking of all of this! But it's good stuff at the end of the day - even if that day is ending in a different time zone than I'm used to.
  • Moved from Grand Rapids, MI to Mobile, AL one week ago
  • New (rental) house in Midtown Mobile
  • Additional dog in the family as of a month(ish) ago - ZuZu Petals is her name!
  • New school/classes for Daniel to teach
  • Thesis work for me (due this fall)
  • Ph.D. programs to apply to (for me)
  • Trying to rent out our home in GR
  • Daniel finishing the film he just shot in June to send to festivals
  • Buying outfits for said festivals  Getting a part time job (for me)
Oh, the details that come with moving are endless and impossible to get done efficiently! So I will wade through them every day until we are settled. And as soon as I unpack my camera, pictures will ensue. Consequently, the photo above is NOT of our new home (dream on, Erin), but a place called "avenue of the oaks" on Daniel's new campus.


leesh said...

new name. new start. new place to call home.

can't believe that you're gone so sometimes i call your old office number just to hang up...yes, i'm a loser who misses her friends.
send my love to Daniel.

Erin said...

Leesh, you just made me get all teary. I miss you so much.